β‘οΈ If you're using LSP.expert V1, click here.
All this data about you should be entered under Settings > My company. You will also find there an 'Other details' field where you can enter all the other information that you wish to display in your documents.
You can also put this information in the footer of your documents. To know how to add a footer to your documents, see this article: https://help.lsp.expert/en/articles/1863968-how-can-i-add-a-footer-in-the-documents-i-create-with-lsp-expert
If you're using LSP.expert V1
You should enter this information in the Details field under Settings > Accounting.
You can also put this information in the footer of your documents. For that, you have to go in Settings > Document and email configuration > you select your configuration and you click on the Terms and footer tab.
For each document, you can define a footer:
When you're done, click on Save.