β‘οΈ If you're using LSP.expert V1, click here.
When you create a quote, the system will give it the number 001 by default and increment this number for your next quotes.
But you can change it manually:
if you want the numbers to begin at a certain point (e.g. you already created 20 quotes with another tool before using LSP.expert, so you want the first LSP.expert quote to be No. 21)
if you want to add the year (e.g. 2023-035)
if you want to add your name or something else in the quote number
To manually change the number of a quote, click on Edit in the Overview panel of the quote.
This will open a popup where you will be able to change the quote number.
Please note that the system increments the last part of the number. If you define 2023-035, it will name the next quote 2023-036. But if you define 035-2023, it will increment it to 035-2024, so make sure the number to be incremented it at the end.
Also, if you change a quote number to add the name of the client in it (e.g. Microsoft - 2023-035), please note that the system will keep the name of this client in the next quotes you create, even if they concern other clients (because it only increments the number).
If the system keeps generating quotes with the same number, see this article: https://help.lsp.expert/en/articles/3857836-the-system-doesn-t-increment-my-invoice-numbers-correctly-why-is-that. (This article is about invoices, but the same goes for quotes.)
If you're using LSP.expert V1
When you create a quote, the system will give it the number 001 by default and increment this number for the next quotes.
But you can change it manually:
if you want the numbers to begin at a certain point (e.g. you already created 20 quotes with another tool before using LSP.expert, so you want the first LSP.expert quote to be No. 21)
if you want to add the year (e.g. 2017-0035)
if you want to add your name or something else in the quote number
To change the quote number manually, you have to click on Actions > Edit quote details when you're in a quote.
Please note that the system will do its best to increment the numbers correctly. If you define 2017-0035, it will of course name the next quote 2017-0036. But if you defined 0035-2017, for example, it may increment it to 0035-2018, so make sure the number to be incremented it at the end.
Also, if you change a quote number to add the name of the client in it (e.g. Microsoft - 2017-0035), please note that the system will keep the name of this client in the next quotes you create, even if they concern other clients (because it only increments the number).