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How can I outsource a job to a supplier?
How can I outsource a job to a supplier? allows you to easily outsource jobs to suppliers.

Caroline Bries avatar
Written by Caroline Bries
Updated over a week ago

➡️ If you're using V1, click here.

To outsource a job to a supplier, click on the Outsourcing tab in the details of the job you would like to outsource.

In the popup that opens, you will see that all the fields are already filled in with data from the job. You can change this data if needed, for example the quantity if you plan on outsourcing the job to more than one supplier (see this article:, and click on 'Search for suppliers'.

The system displays a list of all the suppliers you have for the service defined (the filter by default is on the service, but you can of course change it).

To find the right supplier for the job, you can check the availability of the suppliers and their rating (see and Then, select the supplier of your choice in the list and click on Outsource.

You then arrive in the details of the outsourcing for this job. Here, you can edit the details of the outsourcing, the matches, the price, the status and the due date (when the supplier will send you the files back).

In this screen, you'll also find panels about the supplier portal, the files shared with the supplier and the recent events concerning the outsourcing (when the supplier accessed the supplier portal, when they accepted the job, when they downloaded a file or PO, when they uploaded files and closed the job, etc.).

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If you're using V1

You can find your list of suppliers under 'People' > 'Suppliers'. To add a supplier, click on 'Add a supplier'. You can also add a new supplier directly in a job (in the 'Outsourcing' tab).

To outsource a job to a supplier, click in the job on the 'Outsourcing' tab (in the menu on the left).

The system gives you a list of all the suppliers you have for the service defined (the filter by default is on the service, but you can of course change it). If there isn't any suppliers for this service, you can add a new one using the 'Add a supplier' button. To find the right supplier for the job, you can check the availability of the suppliers and their rating (to manage the availability and the rating of a supplier, go in the supplier's details and use the menu on the left) . Select the supplier of your choice in the list and click on the 'V' icon on the right.

You then arrive in the details of the outsourcing for this job. Here, you can edit the details of the outsourcing, the matches, the price, the status and the due date (when the supplier will send you the files back).

Supplier portal

Below the details of the outsourcing, you can see the supplier portal:

Unique link to access the job, instructions for the supplier and files to be shared with the supplier

In the Outsourcing tab of the job, you will find a unique link that can be sent to your supplier to give him/her access to the files, the instructions and the PO related to the job. You can send this link directly from there (blue envelope button), you can copy it to send it from somewhere else (light grey copy button) or you can regenerate the link (dark blue button). Just below the link, you can add instructions about the job for your supplier. For that, simply click on "Add instructions".

You can also share files with the supplier, by clicking on "Manage your files". When you click on this link, this pop-up window appears:

The files you added at the job level (in the Files tab of the job) are automatically added to this list. In the example above, it means that the file "Newsletter.docx" was already there at the job level. You can add new files by clicking on "Select file...".

To share a file with the supplier, click on the dark blue eye button next to the corresponding file. A green eye appears on the left of the file, to indicate that the file has been shared with the supplier. The eye button on the right is then replaced by a red eye button, on which you can click if you don't want the file to be shared with the supplier anymore.

Good to know: the files you add/remove through the supplier portal are also automatically added in/removed from the Files tab of the Job. You can also see if the files are shared (green eye) in this Files tab.

Below the link, the instructions and the files, there is also a "Recent events" part, where you will be able to see when your supplier downloaded a file, downloaded a PO, uploaded files or closed the job (see at the end of this article).

How to send the link to the supplier?

To send the link to your supplier, click on the little envelope button next to the link. You will arrive in a sending screen:

The default text of the email can be adapted under Settings > Document and email configuration (select the configuration concerned and then go in the Emails tab of this configuration).

View of the supplier

Now let's see the view of the supplier:

Job details, price, instructions and files

The supplier first sees the details of the job (name, due date, quantity, etc.). On the right, he/she can see the pricing of the job, and he/she can see the details of the amount by clicking on "View pricing details" (same as when you click on an estimate in a job). The supplier can also see the instructions the client entered for the job and the files that have been shared with him/her (to download these files, he/she has to click on the cloud button with the arrow pointing down). At the bottom of the supplier's view are the details of the client outsourcing the job, as he defined them under Settings > Accounting.

Purchase order
To create a purchase order for the supplier (if he/she needs one), click on 'Create' > 'A purchase order' in the details of the outsourcing.

The PO has now been created. The 'Actions' button allows you to edit the details of the PO, generate a PDF document and send the PO per email.

You can decide on the format of the purchase order number. The system will try to increment it at the next purchase order.
To change the status of the PO, simply click on it.
In the Document configuration field, you can set the language in which you communicate with the supplier (documents and emails). Your language is not in the list? You can add it in 'Settings' > 'Document and email configuration'. The default language specified is the one you defined at the supplier level.

To create a PDF of the PO and email it to the supplier (if you use to send your purchase orders), use the 'Actions' button.

If the PO is defined as Sent in the client's system, the supplier can also see and download the PO from the portal.

When the supplier sends you the files back, you can change the status of the outsourcing to 'Finished'. The system will then ask you if you would like to create an expense for this outsourcing.

Creating an expense for each outsourcing helps you to get a clear view of your profit and loss in the reports.

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