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Can a supplier accept or reject a job directly on the portal?
How can a supplier close a job using the Supplier portal?
Can I rate the work of my suppliers?
How can I unshare a file I shared with a supplier?
How can I share files with a supplier?
Getting started with the Supplier portal...
I have to outsource a job, but with a different service (e.g. a translation and a revision). How can I do that?
Can I copy a service from one supplier to another?
Can I outsource a job to more than one supplier?
How can I manage my suppliers' availability?
How can I manage CAT tool matches for my suppliers?
Can I send purchase orders directly from to my suppliers?
Can I upload files for a supplier?
How can I outsource a job to a supplier?
How can I manage my suppliers?
Can I add a delivery checklist to the supplier portal?